
By trade, I am a web designer. By trait, I am an interior designer, seamstress, decorative painter, athlete, peacemaker and wife. I have always had a knack for design, in all forms, and people took an interest in it. “ohbrooke” is how I can keep my ideas and save them for later, or for YOU. You’ll find the projects that I seem to busy my life with, web design work, journals of other room designs as I have my hand in them, as well as ideas, how-to’s, and other general musings that lead me here.img4

I’m convinced that my birth order has a lot to do my creativity. Not only are my parents both individually talented, but being the youngest of seven meant that I had to work with what we had. Not just hand-me-downs, but the talents I learned from my siblings as well.

Creativity grows in many different ways. Here are the sprouts that I have been cultivating:

{web, blog, and print design}
{decorative painting and design assistance on DIY Network and HGTV home decorating shows}
{web design and programming for marketing firm}